October 21st is Apple Day!

An apple a day… you know the rest. But today is Apple Day! 

Apples are delicious, and they’re very healthy for you too. Apples are a designer’s favorite, as well!

We’re in apple cider season now, as well, so pour yourself a sweet and spicy glass and drink in the benefits.

  • It takes about about 36 apples to create 1 gallon of apple cider
  • Apples are grown in every state in the continental United States
  • Apples contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol and are a good source of fiber.
  • If you eat an apple before you work out, it can increase your endurance.



Sources: http://www.eatingwell.comhttp://www.usapple.org/

Take More Notes: A Designer’s Desk

Being organized is an important feature of doing good work and keeping a clear head, but when you’re busy, it’s hard to remember everything.

There are many ways we can use technology and productivity apps to remind us of what we need to accomplish. However, sometimes good, old-fashioned notes are the most direct way to keep tasks in sight/mind, and to jot down ideas. Who doesn’t like to jot?


A Designer’s Desk: The Series (click here to see all three animated gifs)







Turn Off the Lights: A Designer’s Desk

Being organized is an important feature of doing good work and keeping a clear head. There are many ways we can use technology and productivity apps to remind us of what we need to accomplish, but writing yourself notes is a great way to keep track of your tasks and to feel connected to your work. It’s old-fashioned, but it works! Now all you need is a note to remind yourself to write notes.  



Call it a Day: A Designer’s Desk

The humans of our office create a very animated environment, but this particular animation/illustration is the first installment of our new series showcasing design elements amongst our everyday office objects. 
