A2-Immune Leads the Whey to a Healthy Lifestyle

Back Forty Creative worked with Minnesota-based Point of Light to design the packaging for their line of goat whey protein, A2-Immune®. We also designed and developed a website for A2-Immune, showcasing the different flavors. The site implements a user-friendly interface, making finding product information and ordering quick and easy. To see samples of the packaging click here and to see the live site click here.


Anda is a 2015 American Package Design Award Winner!

The April issue of Graphic Design USA (GD USA) is out on newsstands and features Anda Creative as a 2015 American Package Design Award winner. Our Back Forty Creative team designed and illustrated these labels for the TeraGanix Pro™ 300 Series distributed by TeraGanix, Inc. 

Read more about the award winning design here.


It’s Five O’ Clock Somewhere

Bottle of red? Bottle of white? It all depends on what kind of wine label design you are in the mood for tonight. We recently designed the logo and wine labels for Kleine Himmel, a vineyard in Hermann, MO. The gold foil and embossed lettering of the Traminette and Norton labels lets you know this is great wine without ever tasting the label. Cheers!
